This $18 Product Will Dramatically Reduce Your Puffy Morning Eyes
This $18 Product Will Dramatically Reduce Your Puffy Morning Eyes
WHAT: DBlosp Ice Roller
WHY: If you, like us, wake up looking like you just got punched in the face, welcome to your favorite, wildly cheap remedy.
Store it in the freezer, shuffle to your kitchen every morning, dazed and bleary eyed, throw together your 8 minute breakfast, and smear avocado haphazardly on your gluten-free rye toast WHILE ice-rolling your face into a semi-presentable version of itself.
I roll it in small, short strokes over my considerably puffy morning eyes, and notice an immediate difference. And while we haven’t tried it for this, reviews show that it’s also beloved for pain associated with TMJ or migraines.
Using it at night as a quick pre-skincare treatment can also help your makeup go on smoother, as we noticed that it gives a sliiiiightly lifted and tightened quality overall.
Is it placebo? Possibly. Does it matter? It doesn’t.
PRICE: $18
At The Candidly, we try a lot of stuff so you don’t have to. We only recommend things we truly love, and that we think you’ll love, too. All products are chosen independently by our creative team, and all details reflect the price and availability of products at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to, The Candidly may earn a commission.
We have to eat.
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