This Miraculous Product Helped Me Not Get A Turkey Neck After Losing A Lot Of Weight


This Miraculous Product Helped Me Not Get A Turkey Neck After Losing A Lot Of Weight

WHAT: Beauty Pie Über Youth Neck & Chest Super Lift Serum-Spray

WHY: We’re sort of late to the party with this brand. We know. And we’re sorry. People ask us to review it all the time and for some reason we haven’t. 

But one of us behind the scenes has been using a Beauty Pie product for many months now and finally has the astonishing before and after photos to SCREAM from the rooftops about our new favorite hidden gem:

Über Youth Neck & Chest Super Lift Serum-Spray by Beauty Pie. 


So why this over the 7,893 other products making big promises for the neck? 

Well. This actually works. 

It has something called kigeline, which is a fruit extract, and its “hormone like” properties contain saponins and phytosterols which can increase collagen in the skin. It also has veinotonic flavonoids that prevent sagging. 

Do we know what most of those words mean? Not really. But here is a before and after photo of one of us behind the scenes, about 6 months apart, after significant weight loss. Pay close attention to the neck:


We thought a flavonoid was a meaningless marketing term used to sell cereal and vitamins but we were clearly mistaken. Are you seeing this before and after!? 

And here’s the truly exquisite part: because it’s a spray, you remember to do it. Out of the shower, spray it all over your neck and chest, literally never think about it again. In addition to preventing a turkey neck from loose skin, it looks to have smoothed the chest, and softened our neck rings. 

They also have trial results (we love a real-life tested product) and the results are remarkable:

  • 93% of people agreed their ‎skin appeared brighter after 4 weeks' use.

  • 91% ‎of people agreed their ‎skin felt and appeared firmer after 4 weeks' use.

  • 91% of people agreed their ‎skin's elasticity improved after 4 weeks' use.

  • 89%of people agreed that ‎visible signs of aging appeared reduced after 4 weeks' use.

Ok, we’re off to buy the entire Beauty Pie skincare line. We’ll keep you informed. Obviously. 

Price: $38


At The Candidly, we try a lot of stuff so you don’t have to. We only recommend things we truly love, and that we think you’ll love, too. All products are chosen independently by our creative team, and all details reflect the price and availability of products at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to, The Candidly may earn a commission.
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