I Finally Achieved A Natural Makeup Look At 40 That Didn’t Age Me 15 Years Using These 6 Things
Skill level: Beginner
by Carolyn Firestone
If you had told me a year ago I’d be writing an article about how to do your makeup I’d have laughed and laughed, and all of my laugh lines would have been on full, cakey display. Part of that’s because the idea of putting my face anywhere on the internet is gutturally nauseating. But the other part is that the idea that I, of all people, could master natural, beautiful, glowy makeup much less write about it was just plain silly.
Even though I’ve been wearing makeup since I was a broken-out 15-year-old, I’ve never actually felt like I’ve gotten it right. Even 25 years in, as a gaping-pored 40-year-old, I was clueless what to use and overwhelmed by the wild number of influencers with seemingly God-given clear skin telling me how to do makeup. ME! With all my texture and lines and sagging and adult acne and paralyzing fear of needles and injections.
So I stuck to my old methods - coats of foundation, powders to banish oil, plenty of blush to make me look not dead, and heavy eye makeup to hopefully pull your own eyes away from the surface of Mars parading itself as my skin. Ok, it wasn’t as bad as all that, but it wasn’t good.
And more than that, all the things that kind of worked when I was 25 stopped working at 35. My makeup was making me look older, dryer, and far less fresh-faced.
That’s when I had to start seriously editing. And in a stroke of luck thicker than the stroke of my eyeliner, I started working at The Candidly. Which is where I discovered a sea of beauty tips that were not only for the glass-skinned, 20-something goddesses of TikTok. They were for impatient, lazy, over-40 ME.
To my relief, the solutions were so much simpler than the hell I’d been putting myself and my skin through. There are actually just 6 earth-shaking products I’ve discovered that I need to do a full face of “no makeup” makeup. Do I suddenly look like I should be running my own TikTok tutorials? Well, no. But do I look like a better, healthier, glowier version of me? Undeniably. And I look like I’m wearing less makeup.
It is such a dumb cliché and I hate hearing myself type it, but if I can do it, anyone truly can. But you have to get specific. And here’s how.
Ok, now for the moment of truth. I didn’t want my face to be part of this article which is so blatantly about … my face. But if, like you, I’d gotten this far and didn’t see a before and after, I’d be pretty pissed. So here it is. Left is how I used to do my makeup and right is with the above 6 things.
Once again, I am by no means the best at this whole anti-aging, natural makeup thing, but I no longer feel like wearing makeup makes me look older. Nevertheless, please be kind in comments. My ego isn’t nearly as resilient as my eyeliner.
At The Candidly, we try a lot of stuff so you don’t have to. We only recommend things we truly love, and that we think you’ll love, too. All products are chosen independently by our creative team, and all details reflect the price and availability of products at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to, The Candidly may earn a commission.
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