The Best Everyday Underwear For Big Bottomed Gals

The Best Everyday Underwear For Big Bottomed Gals
WHAT: Gap Body Breathe Hipster
WHY: Finding the correct underwear that makes you feel cute and sexy yet comfortable and free, is not unlike the riddle of the sphinx.
But we have cracked the code - specifically for women who have considerable junk in their respective trunks.
These undies (refuse to say “panties”) blessedly lack a restrictive, tight elastic at the top, thereby creating a natural stretch at the hip, so there could never be even a whiff of a muffin top. This is also true of their equally comfortable thong variety.
Remember: there is nothing wrong with your big bottom. There is only something wrong with all the idiotically designed underwear that have yet to catch up to the very obvious (but more recent) trend of excessive curves as one of many versions of the womanly ideal.
PRICE: $12.50
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