6 Trendy Health Products We Tried That Are Actually Worth The Hype

#1 might have changed our lives.

by The Candidly Team

There are days when we really do not want to be advertised another “health” product promising that it will change our lives, our guts, our muscle mass, our ability to cling to the last ounce of sanity we have after spending our days in proximity of the internet.

It all just feels like the TikTok version of the old timey, medicine man. And, honestly, we don’t have the funding to fall for it, even if we wanted to.

But we’ll tell you the truth. We do also wonder sometimes if we’re missing out on something exceptional. Something that really would fit realistically into our lives and be greatly beneficial to our health. 

After much research and our own personal, completely unsponsored case studies, we’ve stumbled upon 6 things that worked incredibly well and have been huge in our own lives.

They have done big, ongoing things for us. So just in case you’re looking for similar benefits, we wanted to share.


1. A Walking Pad

We were completely sure this wouldn’t work for us. We thought there was no way we’d be able to focus, much less type out, our work, which included writing articles like this while literally WALKING at our desks. But we knew we needed to find a way to avoid the sheer horrors that sitting for prolonged periods can have on our bodies. And we knew reminding ourselves to walk for 5 minutes for every half hour of work we completed, as one study suggested we do to help curtail these effects, was unrealistic. Especially when we get so immersed in writing such riveting sentences as this. We finally invested in a very cheap model, and here’s the thing. On day one, we walked for two whole hours and did. not. even. notice. For real.

A walking pad suddenly felt like this unbelievable hack everyone we knew should know about. We use it at our very small standing desk while writing and researching and sending emails. We use it while watching TV and while doing the weird selection of 14 practical tasks we have to do on our phones at the end of the day. And because our brains are distracted by whatever we’re doing, we completely forget we’re exercising.

Honestly, now that we’re sailing the hormonal high seas of being post-40, we feel our energy come and go in such unpredictable spurts, that it’s amazing to have something to just jump on and go the exact moment the adrenaline hits, then plop right back into the couch when we’re done. In truth, we bought a very cheap one back when we had no faith in our follow through, but we now plan to sell it and get THIS foldable version because we know we are in it for the long haul.



2. A Lettuce Grow

There’s something faintly depressing about throwing away unopened bags of rotted spinach right next to all the crumpled bags of fully consumed potato chips week after week. Having a literal stand that produces fresh, gorgeous lettuces of all kinds without having to plow and pluck weeds and work soil changed all of that completely. As people who have failed to keep succulents alive, we were afraid we’d spend all this money on this beautiful farm stand only to watch it collect dust in our garage, but we’re telling you it feels miraculous how little work it requires. The word “work” seems almost laughable. It’s self-watering. Self-fertilizing. And the taste of the fresh-grown lettuce versus store-bought is immediately noticeable. We eat a wild number of salads now that we can just pluck our lettuce straight from our yard, glowing with pride that we grew it ourselves. You can also pick it right from your kitchen should you choose the indoor version.


Plus, it’s a joy to pick a few sprigs of fresh dill or cilantro and make your healthful dishes instantly more delicious as opposed to having to plan out each meal with each set of herbs that you buy from the store then pray to God daily that they won’t go bad before you actually cook them.


3. An Apple Watch

Pardon the annoying obviousness of this statement, but how much we move is imperative to our health. There just isn’t a workaround, whether your goal is weight loss or longevity or to feel better and stronger and more capable in your daily life. What does an Apple Watch have to do with this? Well, for us, it turned being healthy into a literal game. Seeing the stats on how much you move daily is an addictive little motivator on par with slinking coins into a slot machine or setting down all 7 of your tiles in Scrabble. The difference is there is an actual meaningful, measurable change to all aspects of your life the more you do it (“it” being anything at all that doesn’t involve staying still). The watch tracks every metric of movement. As a result, we meet goals we never even thought to set before because we had no concrete, yet easy thing to keep tabs and tell us of our successes. And every minute we move is a success. If you don’t want to invest in a new one, there are also plenty of used or refurbished versions that cost much less and still do all these magical things.



4. A Food Scale

Yes, this feels technical. Yes, it shifts cooking from jazz to math. But if you are on a weight loss journey of any kind, it’s near impossible to understand how many calories you’re truly taking in without a scale. We said for so long that we were in a calorie deficit and just weren’t seeing results. We blamed it on hormones, on age, on anything we could find that wasn’t just the reality of what was under our own control. But once we started using a scale religiously and stopped “estimating” what a quarter of an avocado is, we were shocked by how many calories can pile up  through guesswork. And once we used a scale, we instantly saw results



5. Creatine

As a handhold to lifting heavy things (which really should be on this list), creatine boosts strength, and helps us to grow muscle. No, not bulky muscle. No, we’re not looking to get ripped. But adding muscle over 40 helps to strengthen our bones. But we know. That’s boring—even though it’s insanely important. What’s not boring is that building muscle means we burn more calories even when we’re just sitting on our rumps watching Running Point and lusting after Kate’s outfits. Which means it’s muuuuuch easier to maintain a healthy weight since, as we know, our metabolisms slow down tremendously as we age. Creatine has actively helped us feel stronger and more energized when we work out which in turn means we’re more likely to actually “do” it. We take it every day now. 



6. Edamame

Why edamame? Edamame is just a very, very easy thing to grab and snack on instead of the other grabbable foods like greasy chips or sugary bars. You can buy it pre-steamed, toss it in salads, keep it as a purse snack; it’s all just so wildly easy.

But again, why edamame?

Edamame is a complete protein and has no cholesterol. Half a cup of steamed and shelled edamame has about 120 calories, 9 grams of fiber and 11 grams of protein. It also contains omega 3 fatty acids, iron, and plenty of antioxidants. Some studies have linked soy protein like edamame to brain and heart health, possibly lowering risk of cognitive decline and “bad” cholesterol levels. According to Medical News Today, there was also a study showing “those who consumed more soy products had lower levels of inflammatory markers in their blood than those who did not.”

While there’s been some talk about whether soy can contribute to breast cancer risk, according to the American Cancer Society, “a large body of evidence supports the safety of soy foods as part of a healthy diet. Research studies have found consuming soy foods is associated with a decreased risk or no change in risk for cancer.”

Point is with so, so few packaged or snack foods having redeemable qualities and leaving us bloated to the heavens and hungrier than when we started, it’s exciting to find one with so many benefits that actually fills us up thanks to its satiating fiber and protein.



This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used in place of professional advice, medical treatment, or professional care in any way. This article is not intended to be and should not be a substitute for professional care, advice or treatment. Please consult with your physician or healthcare provider before changing any health regimen. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent disease of any kind. Read our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

At The Candidly, we try a lot of stuff so you don’t have to. We only recommend things we truly love, and that we think you’ll love, too. All products are chosen independently by our creative team, and all details reflect the price and availability of products at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to, The Candidly may earn a commission.
We have to eat.