19 Questions With Ruby Mehta

Photo courtesy of Alessandra Olanow

by The Candidly Team

This article is part of our series called "People We Like," in which we highlight women across all walks of life.

Parents, chefs, doctors, writers, entrepreneurs—ya know. Interesting women.

Today, we’re featuring Ruby Mehta, the Clinical Director of Tempest, a digital recovery program that’s taking a modern, nuanced approach to alcohol and sobriety.

The Candidly Questionnaire

1. What’s your most compelling quality?

Seeing all sides of a situation (I’m a peacekeeper).

2. What’s your worst quality, according to your friends?

Seeing all sides of a situation (I don’t take sides, unless it’s very compelling).


3. What does it mean to be "sober curious," and why is it becoming more popular?

It means you’re interested in learning more about not drinking, but maybe not ready to stop drinking completely.

There is a social movement towards authenticity and being comfortable with yourself, which helps people reduce their alcohol intake. People don’t need that added layer of disinhibition once they are totally comfortable with themselves. This movement is certainly slow, but it has started. 

People are also realizing the physical and mental health consequences of alcohol consumption, which further deters drinking.

4. What’s an overrated value you don’t buy into?

Juice cleanses and other fad diets.

5. How do you feel about cilantro?

I love it in Indian food.

6. Do you think a sober lifestyle has become more attractive to women? If so, why?

Yes! It improves both physical and mental health, self-esteem and self-efficacy. Sobriety makes women powerful.

7. Are essential oils anything?

Sure. I prefer incense, but any smell that improves your mood is helpful!

8. How do you get your self-esteem?

Try to live by my values.

9. How do you handle conflict in your closest relationships?

I bring up things that are upsetting me, but try to let them go once we’ve hashed it out.

10. What’s something you’ve changed your mind about in the last year?

My partner really does know what he’s doing (sometimes!).

11. For people who socialize with alcohol, how do they transition to sobriety without feeling anti-social?

At Tempest, we encourage people to “practice sobriety” and honor their feelings. If you have social anxiety, this can mean attending a smaller gathering of intimate friends or family, then working your way up to a social meal and then once you are comfortable with that, going to a larger social event with alcohol (if you choose to).

It also helps to have a buddy that knows you are not drinking. This person could be at the event or a text message away. Many people meet their sober buddies at Tempest — check out our memberships here!

12. Who is someone in your field of work that you admire?

Dr. Gabor Maté.

13. What Insta account speaks to you deeply?

@brenebrown and @jointempest.

14. What quote or phrase has stayed with you?

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” — Nelson Mandela

And, “Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” — Margaret Mead

15. What’s your favorite movie from the last ten years?


16. For people who drink wine nightly to help them relax and fall asleep, what are a few sobriety-informed tactics to replace that ritual?

It really depends on how much time you have and what relaxes you. It could be drinking herbal tea, taking a bath or shower, scents, stretching, reading something fun.

If you do the same pattern before bed each night, your body starts to understand it is a signal that it’s time to go to sleep soon.

17. What’s the most delicious bite of food you’ve ever had?

Chocolate cake from Two Little Red Hens bakery in NYC.

18. Is social media ruining our brains?

The jury’s out; it’s easy to get distracted by it without realizing, but I think it has benefits by allowing people who wouldn’t typically have a voice to have one.

19. Describe your actual bedtime routine.

I check my emails, then read something light in bed (think fashion trends, movies, travel spots), turn out the lights, and then turn on my bedtime music mix to fall asleep.



What is your single favorite:

Wellness product that *actually* works: A yoga mat.

Lip balm: Aquaphor.

Jeans brand: AG Denim.

Sweats: Gap.

Last minute gift: Flowers.

Shampoo: Aveeno.

Comfortable shoes: Uggs.

Splurge skincare: M-61 PowerGlow Peel.

Drugstore skincare: Olay.

Everyday bag: Large black Kate Spade bag.

Guilty-pleasure TV show: Jane the Virgin, Ozark.

Drink: Cranberry and seltzer.


At The Candidly, we recommend things we truly love, and that we think you’ll love. Sometimes, our friends recommend their favorite things, too. All details reflect the price and availability of products at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to, The Candidly may earn a commission.

We have to eat.


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