This Is Your New Dream Coat If You Hate That Arm-Constricted Feeling


This Is Your New Dream Coat If You Hate That Arm-Constricted Feeling

WHAT: Free People All I Need Cozy Hooded Kimono

WHY: Of course, who doesn’t love a good structured coat? They’re always chic and make you look wildly competent.


There is a downside.

And that downside is: how the hell do we move our arms freely?

And if you happen to be wearing a sweater underneath that coat, you can forget it. It’s basically a straight jacket. And we all end up feeling like Randy in A Christmas Story with his enormous snowsuit, flailing on the ground because he can’t move his arms. But we don’t want to be Randy in A Christmas Story. We want to be warm, comfortable, and deeply, but effortlessly, chic.

And friends, I believe this is the coat that helps us achieve that lifelong goal. Here she is:

Look how structured and yet how flowy and unconstricting! It’s almost….cape like, but don’t be afraid of that. Full cape is perhaps too much as you glide through Whole Foods, trying to find a bag of chia seeds under $15. Whereas cape like is suddenly just enough, and makes you feel subtly smug as you have full use of your arms, even when you discover that bag of $14.99 bag of chia seeds is on the very top shelf.

Throw it on, open over leggings, and suddenly you’re wearing an outfit. Toss it over literally any sweater or sweatshirt to dash out for some Caramel Apple Cider from Starbucks and you’ll feel like a full blown adult who has her life together. But then also wear it with jeans, skirts, a dress, and everything looks elevated but in a very unfussy way. Sidebar: have you had the Caramel Apple Cider from Starbucks? Because wow. Pumpkin spice is honestly a joke compared to it.

And lastly. The softness. Oh, the softness. It’s so unspeakably soft that you might call it cashmere-like, and yet you can throw it in the washing machine and it comes out just like new.

In short, if you’re a “must be warm” person in the fall and winter months, but you’re also a “must be cozy and comfortable person” mixed with a “must be cute and stylish at all times” person, well, this is your lucky day.

It’s also the perfect piece to wrap yourself in at your workplace where you sit, teeth chattering, because your male boss keeps the thermostat at a balmy 61.

In November.

PRICE: $98


At The Candidly, we try a lot of stuff so you don’t have to. We only recommend things we truly love, and that we think you’ll love, too. All products are chosen independently by our creative team, and all details reflect the price and availability of products at the time of publication. If you buy something we link to, The Candidly may earn a commission.
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