Use This Science-Backed, 1-Minute Technique To Immediately Focus And De-Stress

by The Candidly Team

Some people have the amazing ability to feel calm and focused, maintaining their acute concentration even with the sounds of an old episode of Game of Thrones raging around them; the battles and dragons apparently don’t seem to bother them.

We are not those people. We are the people who can’t tolerate a single errant noise; one slight creak on the other side of the house, and we’re immediately distracted and on edge.

But, we were just introduced to this new method to block out noise, focus, and de-stress, and we’re hooked:

Brown noise.

We’ve all heard of white noise, sure. So how is brown noise different?

The purpose of white noise is to create a “blanket of sounds” that drowns out the other, inconsistent, random sounds that might distract us or wake us up when we’re trying to sleep. White noise is made up of all different audible frequencies, so it can sound like anything from a vacuum to sprinkling rain.

Brown noise, on the other hand, is made up of mostly low frequencies and bass notes, so it can sound like thunder and strong waterfalls. If that doesn’t sound the most…relaxing, check out this video below to be quickly proved wrong:

@adhd_assist Brown noise has tons of evidence backing its relaxation and focus boosting effects. #evidencebased #science #brownnoise #adhd #adhdinwomen #adhdsquad ♬ Brown noise - Pure Brown Noise - Power of Noise

Though white noise (and pink noise) are often studied for sleep, brown noise can help with focus, concentration, and easing anxiety.

Try it! You might be shocked at how soothing it is. We certainly were.


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