If You’re An Anxious Flyer, Watch This Exact Video The Next Time You’re In Turbulence.

by The Candidly Team

Are you deathly afraid to fly? Same!

And if you’ve been in therapy for it, you probably know that “assurance seeking” only makes things worse. So we’re not sure if scouring the internet for soothing, pilot-generated content about how safe flying is counts as “reassurance seeking” or “trying to be informed,” but once we discovered Flyman Simon, we can’t get enough. He’s an airline pilot with over 25 years of flight experience, making content specifically for those of us who grip the armrest until our fingers are blue when we feel a single bump in the air.

If you’re nodding right now, just watch. He’s really helpful.

@flymansimona350 Replying to @francescalou0 does turbulence make the aircraft fall? It sounds like its struggling to cope? #turbulence #severeweather #severeturbulence #fear #fearofflying #pilot #flyphobia #scared #enginefailure ♬ Clean, motivational, positive corporate music - 3KTrack

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