Posts in Health
This Is How The Hell To Find A Therapist

We’re not going to try to sell you on therapy. Because trying to convince you to see a therapist is like a nutritionist trying to convince us to drink more water; we already know it’s a proven necessity. We know it’s good for us. We know it’s an inconvenient lifestyle change that requires at least some effort for some seemingly intangible (but actually incredibly concrete) benefits that we’ll reap at a vague point in the future.  

But often, finding the right therapist isn’t merely a minor inconvenience, but an actual deterrent from seeking out the help we need. And it starts with the process of just finding any therapist, which will invoke more Googling than those random pains fueling your health anxiety (just a little joke for my fellow hypochondriacs!). Since you can already read about all the ways therapy will enrich your life on this site [link to something] and others, we thought we’d start with the basics: how the fuck to find a good therapist. It’s not as impossible a task as it seems—we promise.

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What's The Deal With Oat Milk? Is It Healthy Or Not?

Before we get into facts and figures and really break down the nitty gritty behind this explosive new health trend, let’s begin with this semi-insane fact:  

There. Is. Now. An. Oat milk. Finder. Website.

Yep. It’s called Oatfinder. And it’s the brainchild of Oatly, the main oat milk supplier in the country. It helps consumers track down where to purchase this beloved elixir de rigeur, and because of this handy little tool, keeping Oatly stocked is becoming near impossible and causing baristas to break out into a  light rash each time they have to tell a customer they've run out of Oat Milk for the day.  

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