Posts in Health
Cold-Fighting Tricks That Really Work – And Ones That Don’t

We’ve got a routine around here whenever someone starts to feel a cold coming on. We boil up a pot of water for our tea infused with Echinacea. We grab fistfuls of zinc lozenges, because, those are supposed to work, right? And if we have any on hand, we top it all off with a glassful of NUUN Immunity, a fizzy alka seltzer like tablet chockfull of things like turmeric, ginger, elderberry and yet more Echinacea.

I don’t know if any of this works, but we all feel like it does, so we soldier on with our approach, cold season after cold season.

We’re probably like most families when fall rolls around and the viruses start to proliferate: relying on a combination of old wives’ tales and traditions in order to fight off the germs. Many of us swear by these remedies, but which of them really holds water? Let’s break it down:

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The Breastfeeding 15: What It Is And Why We Need To Make It A Thing

Congratulations! You had a baby! You successfully grew a human for over nine months just by (basically) eating food. And it wasn’t necessarily even healthy food! Sure you ate a salad or two, but those first three months especially you ate a ton of chips, egg rolls, fried chicken and French fries. And even once you conquered the nausea and were finally able to stomach a real meal that you didn’t pick up from a drive-thru, you listened to your body and gave it what it wanted. And it may have wanted ice cream - not your fault!

Now that the baby is on the outside, you’re still eating. Because once again, you’re growing a human. This time though, it’s with your boobs. But at last you don’t have to worry! Because breastfeeding burns so many calories that the baby/burger weight from pregnancy will melt as fast as the cheese on top of it and counteract those current cupcake cravings just by feeding your kid. EXCEPT! Maybe. It. Won’t. In fact, You not only may NOT shed some of that baby weight, but as you plump up that baby, you TOO may in fact pack on a few el bees. 

Yes. It’s true. Like pretty much all things in the life of a female, it’s not a guarantee that just because “they” say you’re body is going to do XYZ, that it’s foolproof. (And “they” are probably men anyway. *Eye roll*)

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Everything You Need To Know About Switching To Natural Deodorant

Hey, stink happens. 

So you’re thinking about making the switch to natural deodorant. There are a few things you should know before you take the leap. Here’s a list of pro-tips and other info to make your transition easier and less smelly.

Aluminum isn’t as bad as we think

Back in 1999, an anonymous emailbegan circulating claiming that aluminum in antiperspirants causes breast cancer. Since then, aluminum’s had a bad rap, and has falsely been linked to cancer, Alzheimer’s, and kidney disease. Researchers from the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, the Alzheimer’s Association, and the National Kidney Association have all stated that they have not been able to prove any toxic or carcinogenic effects of aluminum and other ingredients in antiperspirants and deodorants. Studies that show otherwise, like this one, have either been debunked or have not been able to be recreated. Likewise, no direct causal link has been found between parabens (preservatives in cosmetics) and cancer. Though they do have the ability to mimic estrogen, there’s not enough evidence to prove that they pose any health risks. Research is still ongoing, so if you prefer to err on the side of caution, your best bet is to limit your exposure.

You’re going to sweat more than you’re used to

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7 Superfoods You Can Find At Any Grocery Store

Acai, Goji, Maca, Spirulina, Moringa, Camu Camu…the list keeps growing of foods we’ve never heard of that we’re told we must eat to be healthy. Where did these come from? Are these foods actually super? Do they have superpowers to reduce my crow’s feet, because I’ll Amazon subscription that shit. right. now.

These superfoods are trending big time and not just on Twitter. Every juice bar and froyo joint has acai plastered all over its menu. But what makes superfoods worthy of the SUPER title? Health experts define superfoods as a food that is highly nutrient dense. Meaning, these food provides a substantial amount of nutrients in very few calories. Example, you’d have to eat like ten oranges to get the amount of vitamin C in one teaspoon of camu camu powder. So, it’s superpowered, sure.

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Non-Scale Victories: Health Metrics To Focus On OTHER Than Weight

The scale sucks. It’s triggering. It’s uncooperative. No matter how much I eat right and exercise the scale stares back at me with the same shitty number. I do everything I’m supposed to be doing. I eat zoodles for god’s sake. But the ultimate judge-y metric - the bathroom scale - continues to represent my failure.

The ultimate goal is not to imbue the scale with any special powers. I’m not there yet. The scale still messes with my head and can prompt me into unhealthy behaviors out of spite.

I realized I needed a break from the scale when all we did was fight. I needed a few health wins that didn’t depend on weight. So, I went to my doctor, Dr. Kristen Bodine-Zeller, for advice. I point blank asked her, what numbers I could focus on instead? 

She gave me a boatload.

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This Totally Luxurious Expense Will Be The Best Money You Spend On Yourself

We’re an overweight, sick and depressed society. We spend inordinate amounts of money on prescriptions that may or may not really help, therapy to work through all our baggage, and repeatedly jump on the latest and greatest diet schemes—keto, anyone? Yet here we remain, physical and emotional messes.

Here’s an idea that might set us all free: hiring a personal trainer. 

It sounds terribly indulgent, doesn’t it? A personal trainer is something for J.Lo, not you! You have kids, a job, a partner, bills, debt, college funds. You can’t be spending on such frivolity! 

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